Portrait of a Photographer: Edward Curtis Comes to Canada

BOOK REVIEW: Edward S. Curtis: Above the Medicine Line, Portraits of Aboriginal Life in the Canadian West – Rodger D. Touchie, Heritage House Publishing, 2010, 191 pgs. The first time I heard the name Edward S. Curtis was in a library.  Somehow in a book somewhere I read he was a great American photographer fixated with images […]

Through Our Own Lens: Three Indigenous Photographers

Great article in this month’s UpHere Magazine. “Through Our Own Lens” is a look at the work of three Indigenous photographers from northern Canada, James Jerome (Dene), Peter Pitseolak (Inuit), and George “Kaash Klaõ” Johnston (Tlingit). We’ve seen many images of our history taken by outsiders, so to see the past through our own lens […]